I couldn’t wait. I had a bunch of friends in town this past weekend and one of them kept going to get ice cream! I usually don’t think that much about ice cream, however, she was not helping the matter. So, when I was at the health food store, I thought about picking up a small container of coconut milk ice cream. I took a peek at how much I pay for that little bad boy, and I was like OMG! I pay over 7 bucks for a tiny container. So, that was a good sign that I shouldn’t wait any longer to do my homemade ice cream post. I got the recipe from my friend Cathy, and here it is:
Mocha Nut Brownie Ice Cream.
Ice Cream Mixture:
- 2 C. Coconut Milk (basically a whole can, I put mine in the frig to get it cold before I started – not necessary, but thought it would help it get thick)
- 2 Tbsp. Honey
- 1/4 C. Chilled Coffee
- 1 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract
Nut Crumble Mix-In:
- 1/2 C. Unsalted Cashews
- 1/2 C. Pitted Dates
- 2 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
There are two parts to making this ice cream; making the ice cream mixture itself and then making the nut crumble mix-in.
To prepare the ice cream mixture, combine the Coconut Milk, Honey, Chilled Coffee, and Vanilla Extract in a blender and mix together well.
In either a food processor- combine Cashews, Dates, and Cocoa Powder mix until they are crumbly.
Pour the ice cream mixture into the ice cream maker and I let mine run for about 20 minutes. As it gets thick you then spoon the nut mixture into the machine as it is still churning to get it all mixed in.
It cost me pretty much the price of a can of coconut milk…maybe $2. Whatever you decide to use to flavor it will decide how expensive it is. This particular variety probably cost about $4 in mix-in ingredients. The batch I made gave me about 5-6 cups of ice cream. My friends and I ate it all in one sitting so I didn’t have any to store, but you could put in the freezer. That would be at least 2 containers of my regular, store-bought version!
Ease: 5 stars (the ice cream maker does all the work!)
Price: 5 stars (cost half the amt of the store version…without preservatives!)
Worth the trouble: 5 stars (Passed for amazing ice cream to those that knew no different)
Taste: 5 Yum!!!!