My favorite color is green, so I love the idea of themed food for St. Patty’s Day. This is especially true when I think about all the amazing foods that are beautifully green. However, many green foods don’t fit into the treat category. One day I was shopping at Trader Joe’s and ran across these matcha powder sticks. I had never had that before so figured it was worth a try. The first time, I added one to my green smoothie and couldn’t taste a difference. So, the second time I decided I would have the matcha tea by itself. It made me gag. I eat a lot of earthy things, but this one I couldn’t even finish.
I then decided that it hides itself well in other things and has such an amazing color that it would be perfect to make a green cookie for St. Patrick’s! I took one of my favorite cookie recipes from the blog and added matcha powder to it. I personally don’t taste the matcha tea, so if you want to, then I would suggest omitting the almond extract and it may shine through a bit more. However, if you really just want an awesome cookie that is green, then you could probably add the powder to just about any recipe and turn it green! Nature’s food coloring done right. ;)
Matcha Green Tea Almond Cookies
2 cups almond flour
1 cup tapioca flour
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1/2 cup grassfed butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract
2-3 packets of matcha powder which may be a tsp or 2?
Preheat oven to 300F. Bake for 5 minute and press down with fork, then bake for another 12-15 minutes.