Guess Who’s Back?! and Homemade Laundry Detergent

I had a nutrition patient decide to take my advice and start making her own laundry detergent! Yay! It’s so cheap, and I literally make mine every 6 months or so. I’m blogging the recipe again for anyone that needs a refresher!

 Homemade Laundry Detergent

  • 2 bars of Felps Naptha ($1 each) (grated)
  • 6 cups Borax ($5)
  • 4 cups baking soda (a few bucks)
  •  cups washing soda ($3.50)

Mix all these things together and store in a bin!  2Tbsp per load.  Boom. Less than $15 for months of natural laundry soap. ;)

This is Shelley’s liquid soap instructions!  Thanks Shelley!

Homemade Liquid Soap

Large stock pot


  •  2 cups of washing Soda
  •  2 Cups of Borax
  •  1/4 cup Dr. Bronners Liquid Castille Soap
  •  15-20 drops essential oil. (I use my lavender or eucalyptus)

Fill pot about 2/3 full of hot water, put on med. heat. Pour Borax and W.Sod in and stir. Add 1/4 cup of Bronners and the essential oil. Stir. Before it comes to a boil, remove from stove and empty into 5 gallon bucket. Fill stock pot again with hot water and pour into bucket. (It should make close to the 5 gallons, but really depends on the size of your pot.) I use my canning pot.

I have also been told that you can buy bronners liquid soap in peppermint, almond etc… I am not sure about that though.

It is also best to put some white vinegar into the fabric softener slot, this works really well and you don’t need fabric softener sheets..

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