- What health issues were you struggling with when you began to work with Dr. Angela?
I had/have been really working through a few different issues. Mainly, trying to have a menstrual cycle without the use of drugs along with my mental well-being. I have struggled a great deal with self-image, self-worth, depression and anxiety for many years and am exhausted from the strain of these mental issues.
- What treatment methods had you tried prior to Dr. Angela’s program?
My main treatment for these issues was medicine – a pill for my period, a pill for my depression & anxiety, and yet another pill for my distracted and “busy” brain.
I had also been to see a few different therapists who were helpful at the time but never seemed to permanently resolve my issues.
- What health benefits did you gain from working with Dr. Angela?
- Natural weight loss
- More energy
- Better sleep
- Confidence in my state of mind
- How to improve my self-worth
4. What was your biggest struggle during the transition to a healthier lifestyle?
The biggest struggle was learning/knowing what to eat and planning ahead in order to prepare meals.
I also struggled with not letting the very anxiety I was trying to get rid of, hold me back from getting better. It was scary to learn the truth about the meds and I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to give them up. I had no idea how to act or who I was supposed to be without my meds.
5. What did you find most beneficial to you in the program?
My favorite and most helpful parts of the program were the face to face meetings and the homework given.
Dr. A. gave me so much perspective and really helped me work on my frame of mind. The transition to a healthier lifestyle was less confusing and less frustrating knowing that she was there to help us!
6. Did your food options taste good?
The food took some getting used too but once my mind and taste buds got used to the change, the natural foods tasted delicious. I love eating fruits and veggies along with other clean food options and find myself seeking out those foods more – even at gatherings where other dishes are in abundance.
7. Did you have an ah-ha moment that helped you commit to the change? If so, what was it?
This has been such a huge transition in my life and because of that there was not been just one single “ah-ha” moment, there were several. A few of those being…
- watching my husband become himself again with his improved mental and physical health
- On a random day discovering that I feel strong and healthy mentally and knowing that it isn’t just a phase but who I really am ;)
- Stepping on the scale after several months only to discover, without even paying attention, I had lost weight!
- Really feeling and understanding what sleeping well does for me
8. If you were going to give a piece of advice to someone on the fence of following a program like Dr. Angela’s, what would you say to them in order to help them decide?
Please give the program a chance and just try it!!!
Be honest with yourself about who you are (or who you think you are) and where you REALLY want to go. Love Ok, at least try to “like” yourself enough to sit and just listen to what Dr. A. has to say – you just might be amazed what you can learn about yourself…
Dr. Angela’s perspective:
There were a lot of moving parts to this case including anxiety, hormone imbalance, low self-esteem, and many medications. This case happened to have issues with low progesterone. It took some tweaking with her supplementation to balance that, restore her period, and maintain normal cycles. Along with her hormone balance came symptoms of weight gain, hair distribution issues, skin issues, mood disturbance, and blood pressure concerns. It was definitely more than supplementing to get hormones in balance; it was lifestyle work AND HEAD WORK. What you tell yourself on a daily basis creates your reality. It was such a pleasure to watch this entire family transform before my eyes. I often did these appointments on Friday nights, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It capped my week off with a full feeling because of their ability to be honest, vulnerable, and willing to examine all the aspects of life we brought to light. Although many medication paths will lead women to believe there are quick pill fixes, or that it’s just your biology, I am here to tell you otherwise. Your hormones decide so much about how you feel and look, and they should not be relegated to a mere band-aid solution.